the lake house STORY
The Lake House
Lake Hood
Lake Hood and the Ashburton Aquatic Park is an extraordinary community project.
Brought together by the efforts of a group of visionary local people, Lake Hood was initially designed to provide an aquatic recreational resource for the people of mid-Canterbury. The volunteers task was to raise the capital to create a non tidal, 80 hectare expanse of clean, safe water, an eight lane international standard rowing course, a separate international standard water skiing course, together with several kilometers of canals and a residential sub-division. After 15 years in voluntary work, 32 resource consents, extensive planning and development, the 173 hectare park was officially opened in 2002, becoming a key asset for the people of the region.
In their continued drive to develop Lake Hood a decision was made to build a restaurant on the shore of the lake. This was to provide a fantastic venue for those who lived locally but also a great spot for those wanting a destination for the day. In November 2007 The Lake House Restaurant and Bar was opened.